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Revision as of 22:29, 18 May 2017 by MrTJP (talk | contribs)
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About ProjectRed

Welcome the official wiki for ProjectRed. This wiki contains documentation for ProjectRed and all related mods.

ProjectRed is a Forge mod for Minecraft, co-developed and maintained by MrTJP and Chickenbones. It is a recreation of Eloraam's RedPower2, which is currently in the process of being turned into an independent game. Just like the mod that inspired it, ProjectRed brings vastly improved redstone control via compact wiring and integrated logic gates. It written inside the ForgeMultipart API.

Forge Relocation is another mod that was designed to work with ProjectRed, but can be used independently. It adds a way to move blocks from one place to another. Its universal API can be used by any modder to easily add support for their blocks. A plugin for FMP is provided as an example for other modders to base their plugins on.

This wiki is publicly editable if you are logged in to an account. Please help keep it up to date and relevant.



A lot of time and effort has been invested into this mod. If you wish to help fund the project to show your support we'd definitely appreciate it.


Just some of the patrons that make this possible!

Table of Contents

The wiki is split up into the 7 different modules of ProjectRed. Below is a short description about what they are for. Click on them to see all the related pages.

  • Core - Provides the core components and libraries that the other files need. Required.
  • Integration - Take huge redstone contraptions and squeeze them into a tiny logic gate.
  • Transmission - Turn redstone it into a wire that can be run up walls and hundreds of blocks away.
  • Expansion - Construct mechanisms that interact with the world.
  • Transportation - Transport, organize, store your items, and even craft automatically with ease.
  • Exploration - Discover new world structures such as Volcanos and Marble caves.
  • Illumination - Light up your home in style. No need for ugly torches.
  • Compatability - Integrate ProjectRed with other mods you use.

  • Forge Relocation - Mod that adds frames that can move blocks from one place to another

Help and Support

Here are some links you might find useful. You can contact the developers for technical support through a PM on Minecraft Forums or on IRC. Be sure to check the FAQ before asking.


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