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Conductive Plate

Conductive Plate
Conductive plate 256.png
Conductive Plate

Crafting Component






Yes (64)

First appearance




The Conductive Plate is a basic crafting component primarily used to create gates.



Ingredients Crafting recipe
Redstone +
Circuit Plate

Circuit Plate

Conductive Plate


As a Crafting Ingredient

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe
AND Cell Cathode +
Conductive Plate +
Wired Plate +
Platformed Plate +
Circuit Plate
CathodeConductive PlateCathodeWired PlatePlatformed PlateWired PlateCircuit PlateConductive PlateCathode
AND Cell
AND Gate Anode +
Cathode +
Circuit Plate +
Conductive Plate
AnodeCathodeAnodeCathodeCathodeCathodeCircuit PlateConductive PlateCircuit Plate
AND Gate
Buffer Gate Anode +
Cathode +
Conductive Plate +
Circuit Plate
AnodeCathodeAnodeConductive PlateCathodeConductive PlateCircuit PlateConductive PlateCircuit Plate
Buffer Gate
Bus Converter Circuit Plate +
Bundled Plate +
Conductive Plate +
Silicon Chip
Circuit PlateBundled PlateCircuit PlateConductive PlateSilicon ChipConductive PlateCircuit PlateConductive PlateCircuit Plate
Bus Converter
Bus Input Panel Bundled Plate +
Conductive Plate +
Any Illumar
Bundled PlateConductive PlateBundled PlateBundled PlateWhite IllumarOrange IllumarMagenta IllumarLight Blue IllumarYellow IllumarLime IllumarPink IllumarGray IllumarLight Gray IllumarCyan IllumarPurple IllumarBlue IllumarBrown IllumarGreen IllumarRed IllumarBlack IllumarBundled PlateBundled PlateBundled PlateBundled Plate
Bus Input Panel
Bus Randomizer Bundled Plate +
Conductive Plate +
Energized Silicon Chip
Bundled PlateBundled PlateBundled PlateConductive PlateEnergized Silicon ChipConductive PlateBundled PlateBundled PlateBundled Plate
Bus Randomizer
Cage Lamp Iron Bars +
Matching Illumar +
Gold Nugget +
Conductive Plate
Iron BarsIron BarsIron BarsIron BarsWhite IllumarOrange IllumarMagenta IllumarLight Blue IllumarYellow IllumarLime IllumarPink IllumarGray IllumarLight Gray IllumarCyan IllumarPurple IllumarBlue IllumarBrown IllumarGreen IllumarRed IllumarBlack IllumarIron BarsGold NuggetConductive PlateGold Nugget
White Cage LampOrange Cage LampMagenta Cage LampLight Blue Cage LampYellow Cage LampLime Cage LampPink Cage LampGrey Cage LampLight Grey Cage LampCyan Cage LampPurple Cage LampBlue Cage LampBrown Cage LampGreen Cage LampRed Cage LampBlack Cage Lamp
Comparator Conductive Plate +
Cathode +
Nether Quartz +
Circuit Plate
Conductive PlateCathodeConductive PlateNether QuartzConductive PlateNether QuartzCircuit PlateConductive PlateCircuit Plate
Counter Circuit Plate +
Cathode +
Conductive Plate +
Circuit PlateCathodeCircuit PlateConductive PlateConductive PlatePointerCircuit PlateCathodeCircuit Plate
Fallout Light Iron Bars +
Matching Illumar +
Circuit Plate +
Conductive Plate
Iron BarsIron BarsIron BarsIron BarsWhite IllumarOrange IllumarMagenta IllumarLight Blue IllumarYellow IllumarLime IllumarPink IllumarGray IllumarLight Gray IllumarCyan IllumarPurple IllumarBlue IllumarBrown IllumarGreen IllumarRed IllumarBlack IllumarIron BarsCircuit PlateConductive PlateCircuit Plate
White Fallout LightOrange Fallout LightMagenta Fallout LightLight Blue Fallout LightYellow Fallout LightLime Fallout LightPink Fallout LightGray Fallout LightLight Gray Fallout LightCyan Fallout LightPurple Fallout LightBlue Fallout LightBrown Fallout LightGreen Fallout LightRed Fallout LightBlack Fallout Light
Fixture Glass Pane +
Matching Illumar +
Circuit Plate +
Conductive Plate
Glass PaneGlass PaneGlass PaneGlass PaneWhite IllumarOrange IllumarMagenta IllumarLight Blue IllumarYellow IllumarLime IllumarPink IllumarGray IllumarLight Gray IllumarCyan IllumarPurple IllumarBlue IllumarBrown IllumarGreen IllumarRed IllumarBlack IllumarGlass PaneCircuit PlateConductive PlateCircuit Plate
White FixtureOrange FixtureMagenta FixtureLight Blue FixtureYellow FixtureLime FixturePink FixtureGrey FixtureLight Grey FixtureCyan FixturePurple FixtureBlue FixtureBrown FixtureGreen FixtureRed FixtureBlack Fixture
Light Sensor Circuit Plate +
Lapis Lazuli +
Conductive Plate
Circuit PlateCircuit PlateCircuit PlateLapis LazuliLapis LazuliLapis LazuliCircuit PlateConductive PlateCircuit Plate
Light Sensor
Multiplexer Anode +
Cathode +
Circuit Plate +
Conductive Plate
AnodeCathodeAnodeCathodeCircuit PlateCathodeAnodeCathodeConductive Plate
Multiplexer Anode +
Cathode +
Conductive Plate +
Circuit Plate
AnodeCathodeAnodeCathodeAnodeCathodeConductive PlateConductive PlateCircuit Plate
NAND Gate Anode +
Cathode +
Circuit Plate +
Conductive Plate
AnodeAnodeAnodeCathodeCathodeCathodeCircuit PlateConductive PlateCircuit Plate
NOR Gate Circuit Plate +
Anode +
Conductive Plate +
Circuit PlateAnodeCircuit PlateConductive PlateCathodeConductive PlateCircuit PlateConductive PlateCircuit Plate
NOR Gate
NOT Gate Circuit Plate +
Cathode +
Anode +
Conductive Plate
Circuit PlateCathodeCircuit PlateCathodeAnodeCathodeCircuit PlateConductive PlateCircuit Plate
NOT Gate
OR Gate Circuit Plate +
Cathode +
Conductive Plate
Circuit PlateCathodeCircuit PlateConductive PlateCathodeConductive PlateCircuit PlateConductive PlateCircuit Plate
OR Gate
Rain Sensor Circuit Plate +
Slimeball +
Conductive Plate
Circuit PlateCircuit PlateCircuit PlateSlimeballSlimeballSlimeballCircuit PlateConductive PlateCircuit Plate
Rain Sensor
Randomizer Circuit Plate +
Energized Silicon Chip +
Conductive Plate
Circuit PlateEnergized Silicon ChipCircuit PlateConductive PlateConductive PlateConductive PlateEnergized Silicon ChipConductive PlateEnergized Silicon Chip
Repeater Circuit Plate +
Cathode +
Anode +
Conductive Plate
Circuit PlateCathodeAnodeAnodeCathodeCircuit PlateCircuit PlateConductive PlateCircuit Plate
RS Latch Anode +
Cathode +
Conductive Plate +
Circuit Plate
AnodeCathodeConductive PlateConductive PlateCircuit PlateConductive PlateConductive PlateCathodeAnode
RS Latch
Segment Display Gate Silicon Chip +
Cathode +
Anode +
Energized Silicon Chip +
Conductive Plate
Silicon ChipCathodeAnodeCathodeCathodeCathodeEnergized Silicon ChipConductive PlateEnergized Silicon Chip
Segment Display Gate
State Cell Circuit Plate +
Anode +
Cathode +
Conductive Plate +
Silicon Chip +
Circuit PlateAnodeCathodeConductive PlateSilicon ChipPointerCircuit PlateConductive PlateCircuit Plate
State Cell
Synchronizer Conductive Plate +
Cathode +
Silicon Chip +
Conductive PlateCathodeConductive PlateSilicon ChipAnodeSilicon ChipConductive PlateConductive PlateConductive Plate
Timer Anode +
Cathode +
Conductive Plate +
Pointer +
Circuit Plate
AnodeCathodeAnodeConductive PlatePointerConductive PlateCircuit PlateConductive PlateCircuit Plate
Toggle Latch Cathode +
Circuit Plate +
Conductive Plate +
CathodeCircuit PlateCircuit PlateConductive PlateLeverConductive PlateCathodeCircuit PlateCircuit Plate
Toggle Latch
Transparent Latch Anode +
Cathode +
Conductive Plate +
Circuit Plate
AnodeCathodeConductive PlateCathodeCathodeCathodeCathodeConductive PlateCircuit Plate
Transparent Latch
XNOR Gate Anode +
Cathode +
Conductive Plate
AnodeCathodeAnodeCathodeAnodeCathodeConductive PlateCathodeConductive Plate
XOR Gate Anode +
Conductive Plate +
AnodeConductive PlateAnodeCathodeAnodeCathodeConductive PlateCathodeConductive Plate
XOR Gate


Version Changes
v4.0.0 Added the Conductive Plate.

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