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Update 1.15 download links
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=== Installation ===
== Installation ==
<div class="alert alert-success">
# Make sure you back up your world.
# Make sure you back up your world.
# Install [http://files.minecraftforge.net/ Minecraft Forge] (Try latest, roll back to recommended if there are problems).
# Install [http://files.minecraftforge.net/ Minecraft Forge]
# Install the latest [http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223- CodeChickenCore] (Try latest, roll back to recommended if there are problems).
# Install external library mods required for Project Red:
# Download the jars that you want for ProjectRed and place them in the mods folder.
  * [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/scorge Scorge]
# '''FORGE MULTIPART''' will be downloaded '''AUTOMATICALLY'''!
  * [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/codechicken-lib-1-8 Code Chicken Lib]
  * [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/cb-multipart CB Multipart]
# Install '''Project Red Core'''
# Download the jars that you want and place them in the mods folder.  Pay special attention to the '''dependencies''' list on the right side.  Those are the mods that also must be installed for the mod in question to work.
=== Designed for compatability with ===
# '''Forge Multipart''' will be auto-downloaded on first launch.
<div class="alert alert-info">
These are mods that ProjectRed has special integration with.
*'''[http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223- WirelessRedstone - ChickenBones Edition]''' - Red alloy wire signals can be run to limitless ranges with wireless transmitters and receivers.
*'''[http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223- NotEnoughItems]''' - Special recipes can be viewed.  Also adds extra info to live tooltips.
*'''[http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1659892- Tinkers Construct]''' - Red alloy ingots can be crafted in the smeltery with less ingredients.
=== Addon mods ===
<div class="alert alert-info">
These are mods that have added additional features to ProjectRed.
*'''[http://profmobius.blogspot.fr/ Walia]''' - Adds special in-world tooltips for gates that show info such as inputs, outputs, delays, time, etc.
=== Not compatible with ===
<div class="alert alert-danger">
*Optifine (not officially supported, but may work)
*Any type of shaders (do NOT report any graphical weirdness if you are using them)
=== Downloads ===
<div class="alert alert-info">
Below is the full archive of the downloads, top one being the current version.
'''note:''' By downloading, you are legally agreeing to everything mentioned in the [http://projectred.endermedia.org/wiki/index.php?title=ProjectRed_Wiki:Copyrights license agreement].
<div class="alert alert-info">
'''Base''' = Core
'''Integration''' = Transmission + Integration
'''Lighting''' = Illumination
'''Mechanical''' = Expansion + Transportation
'''World''' = Exploration
'''Compat''' = Compatability
<div class="alert alert-success">
Green builds are stable.
<div class="alert alert-danger">
Red builds can be unstable.  If you live life on the edge, you may use these...

{| class="wikitable sortable" style="width: 100%"
== Downloads ==
! style="width: 15%" | Version
'''If you'd like to support further development and continuation of my mods, support me on [http://www.patreon.com/MrTJP Patreon]
! class="unsortable" | Changelog
! class="unsortable" style="width: 25%" | Links
! class="unsortable" style="width: 25%" | Built Against

=== Latest Versions ===
|align=center | 4.3.2 build 26
{| class="wikitable" style="margin: 1em auto 1em auto;" width="100%"
! width="50%" | Link
*FIX: Bag load/save
! width="50%" | Description
*[http://adf.ly/eniMP ProjectRed-Base]
*[http://adf.ly/eniMS ProjectRed-Integration]
*[http://adf.ly/eniMT ProjectRed-Lighting]
*[http://adf.ly/eniMU ProjectRed-Mechanical]
*[http://adf.ly/eniMX ProjectRed-World]
*[http://adf.ly/eniMQ ProjectRed-Compat]
*Minecraft 1.6.4
*'''Built on 3/7/2014'''
|align=center | 4.3.1 build 25
*FIX: No recipes for lights
*FIX: Stock keeper crash
*FIX: Request gui crash
*FIX: ExtraUtils Server crash
*[http://adf.ly/eQqgv ProjectRed-Base]
*[http://adf.ly/eQqgy ProjectRed-Integration]
*[http://adf.ly/eQqgz ProjectRed-Lighting]
*[http://adf.ly/eQqh0 ProjectRed-Mechanical]
*[http://adf.ly/eQqh1 ProjectRed-World]
*[http://adf.ly/eQqgw ProjectRed-Compat]
*Minecraft 1.6.4
*'''Built on 3/5/2014'''
|align=center | 4.3.0 build 24
*CHANGE: Made volcanoes slightly more rare
*CHANGE: Crafting pipes can craft multiple items
*FIX: Backpack slots being locked
*FIX: Framed alloy wire connection bug
*FIX: Strange tree growth
*FIX: Routing FX
*FIX: Rare lamp render crash when teleporting
*FIX: Backpacks resetting anvil name
*FIX: Recipe mirroring
*[http://adf.ly/eLDvN ProjectRed-Base]
*[http://adf.ly/eLDvP ProjectRed-Integration]
*[http://adf.ly/eLDvQ ProjectRed-Lighting]
*[http://adf.ly/eLDvO ProjectRed-Mechanical]
*[http://adf.ly/eLDvR ProjectRed-World]
*[http://adf.ly/eLDvS ProjectRed-Compat]
*Minecraft 1.6.4
*'''Built on 3/4/2014'''
|align=center | 4.2.2 build 19
*ADDED: Extension pipe
*ADDED: Config option for backpack blacklist
*ADDED: Routing chip upgrades
*ADDED: Link/unlink router effects
*FIX: Redstone propagation bug on certain surfaces
*FIX: Crash when placing lamps under bedrock
*[http://adf.ly/bQbif ProjectRed-Base]
*[http://adf.ly/bQbig ProjectRed-Integration]
*[http://adf.ly/bQbij ProjectRed-Lighting]
*[http://adf.ly/bQbih ProjectRed-Mechanical]
*[http://adf.ly/bQbii ProjectRed-World]
*[http://adf.ly/bQbik ProjectRed-Compat]
*Minecraft 1.6.4
*'''Built on 12/31/2013'''
|align=center | 4.2.1 build 16
*ADDED: Upgrade system for routing chips
*CHANGE: Optimized lamp halo render
*CHANGE: Buttons can be inverted with shift-right-click
*FIX: Stone walls torch placement
*FIX: Timers getting stuck on world time shifts
*FIX: Crash with pipes in unloaded chunks
*FIX: Gui textures
*[http://adf.ly/b5X7k ProjectRed-Base]
*[http://adf.ly/b5X7m ProjectRed-Integration]
*[http://adf.ly/b5X7o ProjectRed-Lighting]
*[http://adf.ly/b5X7l ProjectRed-Mechanical]
*[http://adf.ly/b5X7n ProjectRed-World]
*[http://adf.ly/b5X7p ProjectRed-Compat]
*Minecraft 1.6.4
*'''Built on 12/22/2013'''
|align=center | 4.2.0 build 14
*ADDED: ProjectRed: Mechanical package (beta)
*ADDED: Item routing system (beta)
*FIX: Version Checker spam
*[http://adf.ly/aRbf4 ProjectRed-Base]
*[http://adf.ly/aRbf5 ProjectRed-Integration]
*[http://adf.ly/aRbf9 ProjectRed-Lighting]
*[http://adf.ly/aRbf6 ProjectRed-Mechanical]
*[http://adf.ly/aRbf7 ProjectRed-World]
*[http://adf.ly/aRbf8 ProjectRed-Compat]
*Minecraft 1.6.4
*'''Built on 12/7/2013'''
|align=center | 4.1.0 build 13
*ADDED: Version checker
*ADDED: Option to turn off light halos
*CHANGE: Lights use torch placement rules
*CHANGE: Stained trees can only generate in overworld (too OP)
*FIX: Stained leaf decay
*FIX: Flatland generation
*FIX: Ore recipe for tools
*[http://adf.ly/ZlZnO ProjectRed-Base]
*[http://adf.ly/ZlZnP ProjectRed-Integration]
*[http://adf.ly/ZlZnQ ProjectRed-Lighting]
*[http://adf.ly/ZlZnS ProjectRed-World]
*[http://adf.ly/ZlZnT ProjectRed-Compat]
*Minecraft 1.6.4
*'''Built on 11/22/2013'''
|align=center | 4.0.5 build 12
| style="text-align:center;" | [http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/229002-mrtjpcore MrTJPCore]
| Common library required for all mods.
*ADDED: Ore Dictionary registration for gems
*FIX: Crash when world is not installed.
*[http://adf.ly/Xj1PC ProjectRed-Base]
*[http://adf.ly/Xj1PD ProjectRed-Integration]
*[http://adf.ly/Xj1PE ProjectRed-World]
*[http://adf.ly/Xj1PF ProjectRed-Compat]
*Minecraft 1.6.4
*'''Built on 10/17/2013'''
|align=center | 4.0.4 build 11
| style="text-align:center;" | [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/project-red-core ProjectRed Core]
| A common library shared by the other modules. By itself it doesn't add much, but is '''required''' to be installed.
*ADDED: Retroactive world generation
*ADDED: Stained trees
*CHANGE: Alloy smelter removed
*CHANGE: Only gates with torches emit light
*FIX: Toggle latch torches being off on placement
*[http://adf.ly/XFsMO ProjectRed-Base]
*[http://adf.ly/XFsMP ProjectRed-Integration]
*[http://adf.ly/XFsMQ ProjectRed-World]
*[http://adf.ly/XFsMR ProjectRed-Compat]
*Minecraft 1.6.4
*'''Built on 10/9/2013'''
|align=center | 4.0.3 build 10
| style="text-align:center;" | [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/project-red-integration ProjectRed Integration]
| Adds gates and redstone wiring.
*ADDED: Fixtures
*ADDED: Config option for moving all rendering to TESR
*Project Red Core
*ADDED: Gates emit light
*FIX: Many minor bugs
*[http://adf.ly/WiiNk ProjectRed-Base]
*[http://adf.ly/WiiNl ProjectRed-Integration]
*[http://adf.ly/WiiNm ProjectRed-World]
*[http://adf.ly/WiiNn ProjectRed-Compat]
*Minecraft 1.6.4
*'''Built on 9/30/2013'''
|align=center | 4.0.2 build 6
| style="text-align:center;" | [http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/230111-project-red-fabrication ProjectRed Fabrication]
| Redstone logic gates that can replace very large multi-block circuits.
*ADDED: Walls for world gen blocks
*CHANGE: Ported to Minecraft 1.6.4
*Project Red Integration
*CHANGE: Lights render halos in inventory
*CHANGE: Pointer recipe
*FIX: Server crash
*FIX: Analog signal re-propagation
*FIX: Illumar buttons dropping regular buttons
*FIX: Lights are always off on world load
*FIX: Container shift clicking
*FIX: Gates dont alert wires upon being rotated/configured
*FIX: State cell not saving correctly
*FIX: Bus Transceiver propagation
*FIX: Bus Transceiver lights rendering above the panel
* *FIX: ProjectRed not loading
*[http://adf.ly/WL1Eo ProjectRed-Base]
*[http://adf.ly/WL1Ep ProjectRed-Integration]
*[http://adf.ly/WL1Eq ProjectRed-World]
*[http://adf.ly/WL1Er ProjectRed-Compat]
*Minecraft 1.6.4
*'''Built on 9/24/2013'''
|align=center | 4.0.1 build 4
| style="text-align:center;" | [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/project-red-illumination ProjectRed Illumination]
| Decorative, redstone-controlled lighting.
* *FIX: server crash
* *FIX: alloy smelter render
*Project Red Core
* *FIX: wire debugger crash
* *FIX: diamond saw silicon cutting
*[http://adf.ly/Vr5g3 ProjectRed-Base]
*[http://adf.ly/Vr5g4 ProjectRed-Integration]
*[http://adf.ly/Vr5g5 ProjectRed-World]
*[http://adf.ly/Vr5g8 ProjectRed-Compat]
*Minecraft 1.6.2
*'''Built on 9/16/2013'''
|align=center | 4.0.1 build 3
| style="text-align:center;" | [https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/project-red-exploration ProjectRed Exploration]
| Adds  Worldgen, ores, tools, decorative blocks, etc.
*FIX: alloy smelter crash
*FIX: Basalt is now resistant to TNT
*Project Red Core
*FIX: Red alloy wires output weak signal to neighbors.
*CHANGE: Lighting rewrite
*CHANGE: Updated license
*ADDED: Cage lamps
*ADDED: Compat module
*ADDED: Red Alloy Ingots can be created using using a Tinkers Construct Smeltery
*[http://adf.ly/Vnd7k ProjectRed-Base]
*[http://adf.ly/Vnd7l ProjectRed-Integration]
*[http://adf.ly/Vnd7m ProjectRed-World]
*[http://adf.ly/Vnd7o ProjectRed-Compat]
*Minecraft 1.6.2
*'''Built on 9/15/2013'''
|align=center | 4.0.0 build 2
*Initial release
*[http://adf.ly/VRjAL ProjectRed-Base]
*[http://adf.ly/VRjHl ProjectRed-Integration]
*[http://adf.ly/VRjL7 ProjectRed-World]
*Minecraft 1.6.2
*'''Built on 9/9/2013'''

=== Changelog ===
== Compatibile mods and Addons ==
<div class="alert alert-warning">
The following mods add cross-mod interactions with Project Red:
A complete change log can be found [http://raw.github.com/MrTJP/ProjectRed/master/resources/Changelog here].
*'''[[Forge Relocation version archive|Forge Relocation]]''' - Relocate blocks in style.
*'''[http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223- WirelessRedstone - ChickenBones Edition]''' - Red alloy wire signals can be run to limitless ranges with wireless transmitters and receivers.
*'''[http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/909223- NotEnoughItems]''' - Special recipes can be viewed.  Also adds extra info to live tooltips.
*'''[http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1659892- Tinkers Construct]''' - Red alloy ingots can be crafted in the smeltery more efficiently.
*'''[http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1773528- Thermal Expansion]''' - Induction smelters can make Red alloy ingots more efficiently.
*'''[http://profmobius.blogspot.fr/ Waila]''' - Adds special in-world tooltips for gates that show info such as inputs, outputs, delays, time, etc.
*'''[http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/2201440- OpenComputers]''' - Computers connect to bundled cables. They can read and emit signals.

=== Development ===
== Source Code ==
<div class="alert alert-success">
The GitHub repository can be found [http://github.com/MrTJP/ProjectRed/ here].  If you know a thing or two about Java and would like to help, feel free to check it out.
The GitHub repository can be found [http://raw.github.com/MrTJP/ProjectRed/ here].  If you know a thing or two about Java and would like to help, feel free to check it out.
<!-- Template for adding new cells
|align=center | VERSION
*[LINKS ProjectRed-Base]
*[LINKS ProjectRed-Integration]
*[LINKS ProjectRed-World]
*[LINKS ProjectRed-Compat]
*Minecraft VERSION
*CodeChickenCore VERSION
*CodeChickenLib VERSION
*ForgeMultipart VERSION
*'''Built on DATE'''

Latest revision as of 21:20, 8 May 2021


  1. Make sure you back up your world.
  2. Install Minecraft Forge
  3. Install external library mods required for Project Red:
 * Scorge
 * Code Chicken Lib
 * CB Multipart
  1. Install Project Red Core
  2. Download the jars that you want and place them in the mods folder. Pay special attention to the dependencies list on the right side. Those are the mods that also must be installed for the mod in question to work.
  3. Forge Multipart will be auto-downloaded on first launch.


If you'd like to support further development and continuation of my mods, support me on Patreon

Latest Versions

Link Description
MrTJPCore Common library required for all mods.
ProjectRed Core A common library shared by the other modules. By itself it doesn't add much, but is required to be installed.
ProjectRed Integration Adds gates and redstone wiring.


  • Project Red Core
ProjectRed Fabrication Redstone logic gates that can replace very large multi-block circuits.


  • Project Red Integration
ProjectRed Illumination Decorative, redstone-controlled lighting.


  • Project Red Core
ProjectRed Exploration Adds Worldgen, ores, tools, decorative blocks, etc.


  • Project Red Core

Compatibile mods and Addons

The following mods add cross-mod interactions with Project Red:

  • Forge Relocation - Relocate blocks in style.
  • WirelessRedstone - ChickenBones Edition - Red alloy wire signals can be run to limitless ranges with wireless transmitters and receivers.
  • NotEnoughItems - Special recipes can be viewed. Also adds extra info to live tooltips.
  • Tinkers Construct - Red alloy ingots can be crafted in the smeltery more efficiently.
  • Thermal Expansion - Induction smelters can make Red alloy ingots more efficiently.
  • Waila - Adds special in-world tooltips for gates that show info such as inputs, outputs, delays, time, etc.
  • OpenComputers - Computers connect to bundled cables. They can read and emit signals.

Source Code

The GitHub repository can be found here. If you know a thing or two about Java and would like to help, feel free to check it out.

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