
A wire is a block in Minecraft that is used to transmit redstone signals from one place to another. They often are used to connect the various inputs and outputs of logic gates to form one large redstone circuit. An example of wires that are already in Minecraft is redstone dust. Although it is decent, redstone dust is not really a wire. It has many limitations.
Surface Wires
Surface wires are the primary type of wire. They must be placed on a solid surface. They can be run up walls and such, but will fall if the block they are sitting on is removed, much like torches. Wires can also be run around corners or between edges. These are the types of wires that you will use most often. The following properties are shared among every type of surface wire.
Framed Wires
Template:Framed wire mechanics
Types of wires
These are all the different types of redstone wires. They each have a dependent variant, as well as a framed variant.