Routed Interface Pipe
Routed Interface Pipe
Type |
Multipart Block |
Physics |
No |
Transparency |
Yes |
Luminance |
? |
Blast resistance | |
Tool |
Any tool |
Renewable |
Yes |
Stackable |
Yes (64) |
Flammable |
No |
Availability |
Survival |
First appearance | |
Drops |
Itself |
Name |
routed_interface_pipe |
Routed Interface pipes are a type of routed pipe that allows chips to interact with the pipe network by pushing and pulling items from inventories.
Lua error: callParserFunction: function "#dplvar" was not found.
Interface pipes are used to interact with adjacent blocks with inventories. They don't do anything special without routing chips.

1) Chip slots These 4 slots accept routing chips. They must be configured, or the interface pipe won't accept them.
Version | Changes |
v4.2.0 (beta) | Added the Routed Interface pipe. |
Issues pertaining to "Routed Interface Pipe" are maintained on the ProjectRed Github page. Report issues there.