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Revision as of 01:22, 14 February 2014 by Simon816 (talk | contribs) (Create Pipe page (skeleton layout, incomplete))
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Pipes are used to transport items from one container to another. There are currently (version 6 pipes available in this mod, explained in detail later.

13/02/14 TODO (by Simon816): Create separate pages for each pipe

The Pipes

Item Transport pipe

Stone Glass Pane Stone Item Transport pipe16

Routed Junction pipe

Red Illumar Infused Silicon Green Illumar Routed Junction pipe16
Diamond Glass Pane Diamond
Green Illumar Infused Silicon Red Illumar

Routed Interface pipe

Redstone Gold Nugget Redstone Routed Interface pipe
Gold Nugget Routed Junction pipe Gold Nugget
Redstone Gold Nugget Redstone

Routed Crafting pipe

Redstone Glowstone Dust Redstone Routed Crafting pipe
Redstone Routed Junction pipe Redstone
Redstone Glowstone Dust Redstone

Routed Request pipe

Redstone Diamond Redstone Routed Request pipe
Redstone Routed Junction pipe Redstone
Redstone Diamond Redstone

Routed Extension pipe

Routed Extension pipe
Redstone Routed Junction pipe Redstone


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